
There are 3 possibilities how to classify your profiles with Haplogrep.

Hosted web service

We provide Haplogrep 3 as a web-service at the Medical University of Innsbruck. The service allows you upload the data to our service and run Haplogrep without any registration. Your input data is deleted right after classification. The results are available via a unique and shareable link for 7 days.

Local web service

Download the latest version of Haplogrep and run the following command:

./haplogrep3 server

This will start a local version of Haplogrep at http://localhost:7000.

Haplogrep CLI

Download the latest version of Haplogrep and run the following command:

./haplogrep3 classify --tree <tree-id> --input <input-file> --output <output-file>

For the classification with Haplogrep on the command-line, you have to specify the used classification tree and provide a valid input and output file. Click here to learn more about trees. To get a list of available trees enter the following command:

./haplogrep3 trees